Sometimes things just get away from you.
You get distracted, turn your head, and then when you look back everything's changed.

> In this place it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place.
- Red Queen to Alice in Lewis Carroll's 'Through the Looking Glass'
Admittedly I haven't been on the Rails edge for a while.
My day job keeps me in Java, and my own work has been more focused on interfacing with FXRuby than through a browser.
When I did use Rails, I used my older version and got along just fine.
But over the last few weeks I decided to pull in the latest and greatest.
A few minutes of Rails 2.1 Gem downloading, another minute to create an app framework, lay in a db design as a migration, create a controller and add the requisite scaffold call into the code, and give it a try...
Dynamic scaffolding is no longer part of Rails.
It was removed because it was considered detrimental - since scaffolding is intended to be temporary, it should be able to be easily removed.
If the guts of scaffolding are dynamic, only being instantiated at runtime, you can't replace the scaffolding incrementally.
It's all or nothing, which is hardly agile.
Of course, in the upcoming third edition of Agile Development with Rails this is all explained.
In the old days (sic) of dynamic scaffolding, a change to the database table underlying an interface changed the interface.
Though this is no longer the case, the book includes examples of how to change the code files manually.
You add a few lines of code to a few different files and everything just works.
This is great when you're changing polished code, but a pain when you're prototyping.
When you're building the initial cut of an app and data model, you want to play before you do any polishing.
Work on the big picture first!
Adding code to a couple of different files is a burden at this point.
Especially since every character you have to type has a relatively large potential to be wrong and slow you down.
While I certainly don't expect to get dynamic scaffolding back (although I could use some alternatives - Streamlined or ActiveScaffold, for instance) internally Rails does know how to produce the scaffolding code.
It makes sense to be able to use Rails to generate the textual pieces of any new scaffolding so that they can be quickly cut and pasted into place.
I don't really care how it's done - output to a file, or the screen, or grafted to the end of the migration as a comment, or whatever - but it should be done by Rails.
I really don't want any specialized capability for producing missing scaffolding in an editor macro or template.
Editors should be general purpose, requiring little to no maintenance.
Putting the intelligence into macros and templates would force them to have to track the next changes in Rails.
Cut and paste seems an optimal strategy in the face of losing dynamic scaffolding.
Don't get me wrong.
Removing dynamic scaffolding is clearly a good thing for all the reasons it was done.
But in the spirit of writing less code, Rails should facilitate the development process by producing intended scaffolding on demand to be copied into place by the developer.
This would make it quicker to *get things right* and keep any new scaffolding style-synchronized with the initially generated Rails scaffolding.
Leastways, it couldn't hurt.