Moments of Artificial Wonder
Nature keeps time, but doesn't bother about counting. People do like to count however. Especially us math geeks. A friend of mine who's also easily amused pointed out to me yesterday that early this morning, at one hour, two minutes and three seconds after midnight - and noon if you go by a twelve-hour clock - the time and date was officially 01:02:03 | 4/5/06 Perhaps an uneventful moment, but one that only happens once (or twice on the 12-hour clock) each century. Of course there are some other notable moments upcoming, 02:03:04 | 5/6/07 03:04:05 | 6/7/08 04:05:06 | 7/8/09 05:06:07 | 8/9/10 06:07:08 | 9/10/11 07:08:09 | 10/11/12 08:09:10 | 11/12/13 09:10:11 | 12/13/14 which is as far as that goes if you're on a 12 month calendar. But the biggest one will be coming soon... 12:34:56 | 7/8/09 That'll be two (or four) magic moments on July 8, 2009. Sounds to me like another good reason to have a drink with a math friend. Thanks Ann!