I need to do some 3D structure analysis for a contract.
While I already have a substantial amount of Java code that I could use, I’ve decided to build up some capabilities for the work in Ruby.
The first object I put together for this is Point3
, a cartesian 3D point, and a basis for most of the work to follow.
Instances of the class can be created from coordinates or other Point3
s, and can be added, subtracted, multiplied, divided, negated, tested for equality and printed.
# This modifies to objects add 3D point duck classifying.
class Object
# Returns true if the instance has 3D cartesian coordinates, ie. responds
# to x, y and z.
def point3_like?
( respond_to? :x ) && ( respond_to? :y ) && ( respond_to? :z )
# Raises an TypeError with a human-readable message when the instance src
# cannot be converted to an instance of type dest.
def raise_no_conversion ( src , dest = self )
dest = dest . class . name unless dest . instance_of? String
raise TypeError , "Cannot convert ' #{ src . class . name } ' to #{ dest } "
# Point3 represents a 3D point in cartesian coordinates
class Point3
# the signed distance from the 3D origin along the x axis.
attr_accessor :x
# the signed distance from the 3D origin along the y axis.
attr_accessor :y
# the signed distance from the 3D origin along the z axis.
attr_accessor :z
# Returns the origin of 3D space, where x, y, and z all have zero values.
def Point3 . origin
# Creates and returns a Point3 instance.
def initialize ( x = 0 , y = 0 , z = 0 )
set x , y , z
# Returns a string representation of the instance.
def to_s
"Point3: x #{ x } y #{ y } z #{ z } "
# Sets the coordinate values of the instance. When
# * x is Numeric, the arguments are interpreted as coordinates.
# * x responds like a Point3, its cartesian coordinates are assigned.
# * otherwise a TypeError is raised.
# The modified instance is returned.
def set ( x = 0 , y = 0 , z = 0 )
if x . kind_of? Numeric
@x , @y , @z = 1.0 * x , 1.0 * y , 1.0 * z
elsif x . point3_like?
set x . x , x . y , x . z
raise_no_conversion x
# Returns true if the coordinates of the instance are equal to the
# coordinates of the given point.
def == ( point3 )
( @x == point3 . x ) && ( @y == point3 . y ) && ( @z == point3 . z )
# Returns a copy of point3 with the given cartesian coordinates:
# * x is Numeric, the arguments are copied as the coordinates.
# * x responds like a Point3, its coordinates are copied.
# * otherwise a TypeError is raised.
def point3 ( x = self . x , y = self . y , z = self . z )
Point3 . new ( x , y , z )
# Returns the 3D distance from the instance to point3.
def distance_to ( point3 )
Math . sqrt ((( @x - point3 . x ) ** 2 ) + (( @y - point3 . y ) ** 2 ) + (( @z - point3 . z ) ** 2 ))
# Returns the 3D distance from the instance to the origin.
def modulus
distance_to ( origin )
# Returns the dot product of the vectors represented by the instance and
# point3, with common endpoints at the origin.
def dot ( point3 )
( @x * point3 . x ) + ( @y * point3 . y ) + ( @z * point3 . z )
# Returns a new Point3 instance whose coordinates are the original
# instance's mirrored through the origin.
def mirror
point3 . mirror!
# Returns the modified instance whose coordinates have been mirrored through
# the origin.
def mirror!
set ( - @x , - @y , - @z )
# Returns a new Point3 instance whose coordinates are the original
# instance's with the given amounts added:
# * x is Numeric, the arguments are added to the coordinates.
# * x responds like a Point3, its cartesian coordinates are added.
# * otherwise a TypeError is raised.
def add ( x = 0 , y = 0 , z = 0 )
point3 . add! ( x , y , z )
alias + add
# Returns the modified instance with the arguments added.
def add! ( x = 0 , y = 0 , z = 0 )
if x . kind_of? Numeric
set ( @x + x , @y + y , @z + z )
elsif x . point3_like?
add! x . x , x . y , x . z
raise_no_conversion x
# Returns a new Point3 instance whose coordinates are the original
# instance's with the given amounts subtracted:
# * x is Numeric, the arguments are subtracted from the coordinates.
# * x responds like a Point3, its cartesian coordinates are subtracted.
# * otherwise a TypeError is raised.
def subtract ( x = 0 , y = 0 , z = 0 )
point3 . subtract! ( x , y , z )
alias - subtract
# Returns the modified instance with the arguments subtracted.
def subtract! ( x = 0 , y = 0 , z = 0 )
if x . kind_of? Numeric
add! ( - x , - y , - z )
elsif x . point3_like?
subtract! x . x , x . y , x . z
raise_no_conversion x
# Returns a new Point3 instance whose coordinates are the original
# instance's multiplied by the given amounts:
# * x is Numeric, the coordinates are multiplied by the arguments.
# * x responds like a Point3, the instance's coordinates are multiplied by x's coordinates.
# * otherwise a TypeError is raised.
def multiply ( x = 1 , y = 1 , z = 1 )
point3 . multiply! ( x , y , z )
alias * multiply
# Returns the modified instance as multiplied by the arguments.
def multiply! ( x = 1 , y = 1 , z = 1 )
if x . kind_of? Numeric
set ( @x * x , @y * y , @z * z )
elsif x . point3_like?
multiply! x . x , x . y , x . z
raise_no_conversion x
# Returns a new Point3 instance whose coordinates are the original
# instance's multiplied by the scalar.
# * scalar is Numeric, the arguments are multiplied by the coordinates.
# * x responds like a Point3, the instance is multiplied by the scalar.
# * otherwise a TypeError is raised.
def scale ( scalar = 1 )
point3 . scale! ( scalar )
# Returns the modified instance as multiplied by the scalar.
def scale! ( scalar = 1 )
if scalar . kind_of? Numeric
multiply! scalar , scalar , scalar
elsif scalar . point3_like?
multiply! scalar
raise_no_conversion scalar
# Returns a new Point3 instance representing the unit vector (with the same
# direction as the original instance, but whose length is 1.)
def unit ( x = 1 , y = 1 , z = 1 )
point3 . unit!
# Returns the modified instance as the unit vector.
def unit! ( x = 1 , y = 1 , z = 1 )
scale! ( 1 / modulus )
# Returns a new Point3 instance that is the cross product of the given
# arguments treated as vectors with endpoints at the origin:
# * x is Numeric, the cross product of the instance with the arguments.
# * x responds like a Point3,
# * y is Numeric, the cross product of the instance with x's coordinates.
# * y responds like a Point3, the cross product of x with y.
# * otherwise a TypeError is raised.
def cross ( x = 1 / sqrt3 , y = 1 / sqrt3 , z = 1 / sqrt3 )
point3 . cross! ( x , y , z )
# Returns the modified instance as the cross product.
def cross! ( x = 1 / @@sqrt3 , y = 1 / @@sqrt3 , z = 1 / @@sqrt3 )
if x . kind_of? Numeric
set (( @y * z ) - ( @z * y ), ( @z * x ) - ( @x * z ), ( @x * y ) - ( @y * x ))
elsif x . point3_like?
if y . kind_of? Numeric
cross! x . x , x . y , x . z
elsif y . point3_like?
set ( x ). cross! ( y )
raise_no_conversion y
raise_no_conversion x
# Returns a new Point3 instance that is a distance d from the instance along
# the line to the Point3 e. If normalized is true, the d argument specifies
# the fraction of the distance from the instance (being 0) to e (being 1).
# If normalize is false, the d argument specifies an absolute distance.
def to_along ( e , d , normalize = true )
scalar = normalize ? ( distance_to e ) : 1
point3 ( e ). subtract! ( self ). unit! . scale! ( d * scalar ). add ( self )
# The 3D origin
@@origin3 = Point3 . new
@@sqrt3 = Math . sqrt 3
More to come…